Listen Obey Blessed Productions
Faithful & Discreet Malarkey Productions
how bout ..... jehollywood or just jollywood.
mad sacred cow productions.
big brother productions.
Listen Obey Blessed Productions
Faithful & Discreet Malarkey Productions
still reading the shepard the flock book and came across this gem (!)....
"13. if the husband committed adultery, he.
judicial committee should promptly inquire of the.
I think the method of not revealing the exact nature of the offence to the spouse keeps them clear of any lawsuits that could develop from the operation of their kangaroo court system and a guilty verdict for one of many Watchtower corporational crimes. Also could avoid the elders being called before a judge to give testimony about their verdict and how they arrived at their conclusions and what not.
i'm not proud of the fact that it took me over 50 years to realized what the organization really was and to finally leave it.
not proud at all, i feel pretty stupid.
however i didn't lose my children.
New Boy, I hope your children that resent you for not leaving the JDub sooner, take more time to think about your circumstances.
i've been reading a lot about reincarnation these days and i'm beginning to think that it quite possibly might be true, it seems to fit in nicely with the idea that we live in a computer simulation.. anyway according to the tibetan book of the dead when we die we seem to hang around on the earth waiting for rebirth.
at which time we could be ghosts.
There might be a few spooks following them in the future I'm hopin.
i'm not proud of the fact that it took me over 50 years to realized what the organization really was and to finally leave it.
not proud at all, i feel pretty stupid.
however i didn't lose my children.
We as humans make many mistakes in life the trick is to learn from them, when I think about my parents now who are in the here after in this computer simulation I look at them as souls that have passed through this life many times with lesson to learn,,. I miss them and wish them the best where ever they are. Your sons need to sort things out which probably will come in latter years of development, right now they are in a blaming stag which hopefully will pass as they see the bigger picture.
i'm not proud of the fact that it took me over 50 years to realized what the organization really was and to finally leave it.
not proud at all, i feel pretty stupid.
however i didn't lose my children.
As I got older and no doubt because of so many ayahuasca sessions I was able to recall past trauma as a infant/child and had to deal with feelings towards my parents who were both dead, it was helpful as it explained some of my behavior towards them and the reason for many of my actions. As I came to accept my self and I also came to accept my parents as all products of our environment and social indoctrination with no need to hate them or me because we are all in the same boat driven by the same wind etc...which lead to a new found respect and admiration for my parents.
You did the best you could with what you had available, just as I hope your children will do also
i have been invited to speak at an international cultic studies association workshop this fall.
i could use your help in focusing on my presentation subject.. these workshops are for former members of any cult or other high-control, authoritarian group, not just jehovah's witnesses.
last year, i spoke at one of their larger conferences in europe.
Of course this rebuilding of one's life would depend on the age of the person leaving the cult and how much time he/she has left. The younger the better as the older you get the less energy and time you got to rebuild, and heal. But hey don't let age stop you from getting out of the cult and rebuilding your life it just gets a little the more harder and slower to recover the more you wait and put off the inevitable. I got out at age 48, it hit me like a ton of bricks, but gradually got better and better as my mental health improved over time and my rage subsided to a they can just kiss my ass contempt towards the Watchtower corporation.
i have been invited to speak at an international cultic studies association workshop this fall.
i could use your help in focusing on my presentation subject.. these workshops are for former members of any cult or other high-control, authoritarian group, not just jehovah's witnesses.
last year, i spoke at one of their larger conferences in europe.
On the subject of authentic self I have a few comments:
Discovering Your Authentic Self - (personal identity)
I think that by authentic self you mean what you really are all about minus the Jdub programming, and repression.
My take on it is finding your true self, so that one would have to do a lot of shadow work(Jungian), un-repress it and become more whole(Jungian). As one learns to accept all parts of himself he usually becomes more creative because in repressing our dark side we repress a lot of our talents as well.
So I see a search for one's authentic self as a real challenge and worthy endeavor and a very good shrink of say a Jungian back round might help if you can afford it(dreams are the royal road to discover the unconscious). Me I just kind of search the net and read shit that gives me a better understanding of human nature.
Losing one's self by becoming a Watchtower drone can leave one as an empty self, just a shell of what one really is and very far from reaching one greatest potential. Read a little Maslow's stuff might help a person in this regard, maybe even a little Kazimierz Dabrowski's stuff might get one there I don't know.
i've been reading a lot about reincarnation these days and i'm beginning to think that it quite possibly might be true, it seems to fit in nicely with the idea that we live in a computer simulation.. anyway according to the tibetan book of the dead when we die we seem to hang around on the earth waiting for rebirth.
at which time we could be ghosts.
i've been reading a lot about reincarnation these days and i'm beginning to think that it quite possibly might be true, it seems to fit in nicely with the idea that we live in a computer simulation.. anyway according to the tibetan book of the dead when we die we seem to hang around on the earth waiting for rebirth.
at which time we could be ghosts.
There is this house a few miles up the street from me The Winchester House built buy heiress of 51% shares of Winchester reaping arms.
It's a good movie I got the video from the library.